Tips on Maintaining Healthy Skin
Dr.Roop saini
December 2, 2021
Dr.Roop saini
December 2, 2021
When it comes to looking and feeling as youthful as ever, you’re probably aware that your skin can tell a lot about your health and your age. From fine lines and wrinkles to sunspots, eventually, your skin will start to show some wear and tear. But no matter how old you are, there’s plenty you can do today to start taking better care. We all want skin that looks great — and appearance aside, you should also know the warning signs of life-threatening lesions that can lead to cancer.
Here are some tips dermatologists recommend for optimal skin care.
If you haven’t been wearing sunscreen over the years, it’s never too late to start. Not only does sunscreen help protect your skin from cancer, but it’s also vital for keeping it looking youthful. Not all products are created equally, however. You should be looking for sunscreens that contain anti-inflammatory and barrier-repairing ingredients.
“A broad-spectrum sunscreen with both UVA and UVB protection of at least SPF 30 is best,”
If you really want your skin to glow, it is recommended that you exfoliate twice per week. When looking for the perfect exfoliant, it is recommended that you use a scrub that contains lactic acid to reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores. You’ll also be able to feel a difference when you touch your skin, too.
Washing your skin is important — but if you’re scrubbing more than twice a day, you’re doing yourself a disservice. When you over-wash, it can cause your skin to look super dry, and that can highlight aging and wrinkles.
And when it comes to face wash, make sure you’re using hydrating products if you have older skin. Face wash containing sulphates will dry you out.
In addition to making a yearly visit to the dermatologist a priority, you should also know how to properly perform a self-examination to check for cancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends checking your skin once every month. This includes examining your face, ears, scalp, hands, wrists, back of the legs, and feet.
Checking your skin is only useful if you know what to look for. If you notice any moles or beauty marks that change shape or color over time or any skin growths that increase in size, alert a dermatologist
If you’re one of the many who prioritize sunscreening their face first, this is a good habit to break. It is recommended that you apply the product first to your neck, chest, and hands. This is because these areas age faster and are harder to improve than the face. Additionally, if you protect them first, you’re less likely to forget to apply sunscreen on these areas later on.
Not only does food have a huge impact on your health, but it also can affect your skin in ways you’d never imagine. Those who love citrus and sitting out in the sun should beware of the “margarita sunburn.” Psoralen, an organic compound found in lemons and limes, makes skin supersensitive to UV light, causing a chemical burn” that’s extremely common.
If you do develop a “margarita sunburn” treat it like a regular sunburn and apply plenty of moisturizer so it heals properly.
It’s not just the sun that’s giving you wrinkles. The second leading cause of wrinkles is attributed to how you’re sleeping. “Squishing your face into a pillow for approximately 2,500 hours per year while you sleep is like ironing wrinkles into the skin.”
When you sleep, try your best to not allow the lower half of your face to touch the pillow. This will help you avoid those deep creases that develop by the corner of your mouth.
If your cleanser foams, it may be stripping your skin of its natural protective oils. This can also leave your skin feeling tight and dry which can then accentuate any lines or wrinkles you may have.
When looking for the perfect cleanser, cleansers containing a lot of fragrance or harsh ingredients can further irritate the skin.“Simpler and softer is usually the best,”
Unsure if you need to be moisturizing your skin more? You should be paying more attention to the texture of your lips to help guide you. If your lips feel dry and cracked, this is an indicator that the humidity in the air is dropping — and your skin probably needs more moisture, too. That’s when you know it’s time to break out your heavy-duty moisturizers for the ultimate in skin repair.
You’ve certainly been told that you should drink plenty of water for the sake of your skin — and perhaps you’ve even been guzzling water instead of using a moisturizer. In truth, there’s actually no proof that your hydration has anything to do with your skin. Instead, you need to make sure you’re caring for your skin from the outside in with “serums, creams, and hydrating mists.
“Daytime is for protection and nighttime is for repair.”
Antioxidants in serums and protection from UV rays are more important during the day, as that’s when sun exposure occurs. At night, aim for more moisturizing ingredients and products that reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
What worked to keep your skin clear and healthy at 25 may not be what works for your skin at 55 — and that’s OK. Be willing to adapt to your routine and try new products if you think your old tried-and-true favourites are no longer working. Good skin care means being attuned to your skin’s needs.”
When trying new products, it may also be to your benefit to try one new one at a time so you can tell how well it’s working individually.
Going to the dentist every six months isn’t just vital for your teeth. Your dental health can also severely impact how your skin looks. The skin near your mouth can appear “more lax and wrinkled” if your teeth start to deteriorate as you age. “The bones above and below your teeth (right around your nose as well as your chin and jaw) will start to recess, which means you’re going to lose some of your cheekbones and jawline,”
In essences, visiting the dentist can help your teeth maintain their integrity, which will also result in more youthful skin.
The older you get, the more you’ll want to make sure your diet is helping your skin instead of hurting it. Refined carbs and sugar are a huge no-no for good skin. Instead, nourish your skin from the inside out with foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, walnuts, or avocados. You’ll appear way more youthful when you get rid of unhealthy favorites and go for the good stuff.
If you wear foundation every day, you’ve probably noticed that most come with some sun protection right in the formula. Unfortunately, the packaging can be seriously misleading. Much thicker layers of the product are used in the lab when testing SPF. So if your foundation says it’s SPF 30, it’s actually wise to cut that number in half for a more accurate representation of what sort of protection you’re getting. And, to be on the safe side, always wear a sunscreen under your foundation anyway.
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