Dr. Roop Saini - Dermatologist

About Dr.Roop

One Of The Best Dermatologist In Nairobi Kenya

Dr. Roop Saini is an internationally recognized board-certified Consultant Dermatologist who has been in practice in Nairobi City and the surrounding areas in Kenya since 2014. She has advanced the field of Dermatology through her numerous scientific and educational contributions.

Know what’s in your sunscreen

If you haven’t been wearing sunscreen over the years, it’s never too late to start. Not only does sunscreen help protect....

Aim to exfoliate twice per week for a glowing complexion

Aim to exfoliate twice per week for a glowing complexion
If you really want your skin to glow, it is recommended that you exfoliate twice per week. When looking for the perfect exfoliant, it is...

Over-washing your skin can cause it to look older

Washing your skin is important — but if you’re scrubbing more than twice a day, you’re doing yourself a disservice. When you over-wash, it can cause...

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How can i help?

We offer a wide range of dermatological services

When it comes to looking and feeling as youthful as ever, you’re probably aware that your skin can tell a lot about your health and your age. From fine lines and wrinkles to sunspots, eventually, your skin will start to show some wear and tear. But no matter how old you are, there’s plenty you can do today to start taking better care. We all want skin that looks great — and appearance aside, you should also know the warning signs of life-threatening lesions that can lead to cancer.

BBC Interview On Psoriasis.

What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is an incurable, chronic, autoimmune disease affecting the skin

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Learn more about different types of skin conditions.

Keratosis Pilaris

Kertosis PilarisKeratosis pilaris is a benign, genetic condition causing dry, itchy, thick bumps on the


Folliculitis Folliculitis is characterized by inflammation and infection around hair follicles. The infections can be