Frequently Asked Questions


Succesful Surgery


General Questions

Here are some of the Frequently asked questions.

Anyone with skin should visit their dermatologist. At The Dermatology Clinic, we see all ages, ranging from pediatrics with rashes, teenagers with acne, adults with skin cancer, and ANYONE wanting a skin exam. Getting a yearly baseline exam of your moles, freckles, and any other spots is recommended for preserving your skin health and preventing skin cancer. If you have personal or family history of skin cancer, or other risk factors (excessive sun exposure and burns, tanning bed use, radiation treatments, or are immunosuppressed) you may need to be seen more often. We can also educate you on proper skin care, sun protection, cancer prevention tips, and cosmetic treatments.

Questions About Skin Cancer

Here are some of the frequent asked questions about skin cancer.

Appointment Questions

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Understanding Hyperhidrosis With Dr Roop Saini

Hyperhidrosis (hi-pur-hi-DROE-sis) is abnormally excessive sweating that’s not necessarily related to heat or exercise. 

Our Blog

Latest Blog & Articles

Here are some articles for you to enlighten yourself. 

Keratosis Pilaris

Kertosis PilarisKeratosis pilaris is a benign, genetic condition causing dry, itchy, thick bumps on the


Folliculitis Folliculitis is characterized by inflammation and infection around hair follicles. The infections can be